High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


About pharmacy shelves

by:Hshelf     2021-03-09
The planning and design of pharmacies should pay attention to the functional practicability of shelves. We should note that drugstore shelves are still different from store shelves. The distance between the two rows of shelves should be appropriate to ensure the flow of people. Generally speaking, the main aisle should be about 1.2 meters, and this aisle is more suitable at about 1 meter. In addition, when designing drugstore shelves, there is an important reference basis, that is, the shape, volume, value and other characteristics of the medicine. Based on these, design whether the shelves are open, whether the shelves are large, small, wide or narrow. At the same time, the characteristics of the shelf cannot be ignored. The current design of drugstore shelves and shopping mall shelves should not only pay attention to their functionality and practicality, but also pursue fashionable modernity in form and appearance. Medicine is no exception. Of course, this fashionable modernity is definitely different from shopping mall shelves. Characteristics of the pharmaceutical industry. In terms of the color and shape of the shelf, it should complement the medicine, ensure enough light, give customers a sense of safety, and stimulate the desire to buy.
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