
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Cigarette out of stock, shop owner how should face? _【 Hshelf shelf 】

by:Hshelf     2020-07-06
Today cigarette supplies is the norm, now and into the second half, cigarette source is more tight. 'If customers didn't want to smoke, go turn', 'some of the smoke of the price, of VIP is not really enough to sell ah'. Smoke less enough to sell, shop owner also began to worry. In the face of supplies, bosses, what to do? Terminal, you think, can from the following several aspects: first, to stabilize the customer level, as you know, the customer level, which is closely linked with the source supply is generally, the higher the level of customer to get the supply of goods. But the shortage of supply, customer level and easy to fall. Therefore, the shop owner would improve grade stable even as much as possible. At ordinary times should pay close attention to their own the quantity of goods, order structure, stability, order situation whether to cause a decline in level. At the same time to seek for customer manager timely help and guidance, make reasonable order plan, ensure the stable customer rating. Second, why aren't limited to improve month goods to increase application limited? Because limited is a dynamic change, and 3 - every year Cigarette sales are out of season in July, the customer monthly sales will be significantly lower, monopoly departments will also cut the customer's month according to the set limit to declining use situation. Supply tension, but every year in August began cigarette into the sales season, low month limited is obvious in short supply at this time. So limited on the low side, the shop owner to timely through customer manager or directly apply to the member that area increase limited. Three strategies, to fully booked quantity according to the running situation of the shop, to 100% of the order, as far as possible reservation strategy. Because each order a faulty goods or leakage order some brand cigarette, its loss is not directly to save. Four, to adjust the stock used in the fourth quarter of every year is the season of cigarette supply is relatively scarce, and the cigarette brand integration trend gradually accelerated, weak brand will gradually become obsolete. Therefore, retail customers to change the past plentiful when 'the don't sell stock' habit. Can try to order some less selling cigarettes, also can order the same price of outside the province to eradicate often make up for the inadequacy of smoke source in the province. Five, should have the consciousness of inventory for cigarette volumes on strategy is strained from month to month before New Year's day, so cigarette retail customers day-to-day operations should have the consciousness of the inventory. Can save one or two months in advance we need to place an order in the smoke, or at ordinary times can stock more often eradicate or supply of goods more than brand of cigarettes. Generally speaking, to try new products new product just launches a new profit growth point, because many consumers are curious to try with the new product. And because its surface has not been rolled out, the price is in place, high profits. Therefore, retail customers can order to try and recommend some newly launched new products. Supply shortage, low smoke cigarettes or tight enough to sell, you need your boss to change appropriately, seek improvement in stability, to find the optimal solution. Above suggestion is based on some good LingShouHu of actual combat experience, hope to be of help, I wish you all the boss the business is thriving!
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