
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Supermarket shelves manufacturers: unknown supermarket five health crisis!

by:Hshelf     2020-05-22
Summary: in the process of shopping in the supermarket, a lot of people will be attracted by style multifarious products on supermarket shelves, but often ignore the hidden 'health crisis', pay more attention to some details, maybe can let you avoid the crisis.

in the process of shopping in the supermarket, a lot of people will be attracted by style multifarious products on supermarket shelves, but often ignore the hidden & other; Health crisis & throughout; , pay more attention to some details, maybe can let you avoid the crisis.

01。 Take the goods shelves on the

had found that shelves pick up goods by the outermost layers of frequency is very high, and most people just pick up a look, but will not necessarily buy, therefore easily infected with bacteria. At the same time, the goods such as yogurt, milk, the outermost layer of the shelf, also is likely to be near the shelf life of food. Therefore, it is suggested that people in the supermarket shopping, try to take the goods shelves inside.

02 fresh and frozen food and buy

in general, than the cooler of temperature in the supermarket, if I should buy raw meat, seafood, frozen food, etc. , before we settle this paragraph of time is easy to cause the began to thaw, thus increase the possibility of a breeding ground for bacteria. So, it is suggested that the choose and buy this kind of food.

3 eat free try to eat less food supermarkets in order to promote the product, tend to have a try to eat food to provide free of charge to customers, including fruit, cooked food, snacks, etc. But because most try to eat food outside in, and without any cover, and even have a cover, a lot of people trying to eat after the cover will not consciously, exposed to the air to make food for a period of time. In addition, in some supermarkets, traffic was less part try to eat the food may also be placed for a long time, and these may result in breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, supermarket should try not to eat free trial.

04 cooked food don't put the shopping cart below

because the shopping basket or a cart be used very frequently, especially its bottom, often bacteria. So, it is recommended that people don't buy cooked food on the bottom, so as to avoid more germs.

05 supermarket buy fewer semi-finished vegetables

the latest study found that if the cruciferous vegetables after chopped broccoli, carrots and so on, at room temperature for 6 hours in the air, anti-cancer material loss rate can reach 75%. If you don't cut, put them completely in 7 days storage in a freezer, anti-cancer substances will only have a small amount of loss. In addition to the health care function of anti-cancer properties, vitamin C also gradually loss after chopping vegetables. Cut potatoes, for example, to put one or two hours later, the incision will be red and brown, sweet potato, yam, etc when cut black are the same. Therefore, we suggest that you try not to buy in the supermarket has often chopped vegetables.

supermarket shelves manufacturers warm prompt: shopping, want to look at the shelf life of food more, less to buy in bulk food, higher food preservation condition best arrangement to finally buy again, in order to avoid the outside temperature is too high or too low impact the quality of the food.

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