High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


To grasp the method of maternal and infant stores display correctly, store sales turn over 20% 300%! _【 Hshelf shelf 】

by:Hshelf     2020-07-06
Small make up often say the performance well is to put the goods on display, but do you really understand it? Display the purpose and significance of what is it? Display request 1. Outstanding representative goods, guide customers to buy 2. Highlight the core or 3 key commodity characteristic. 4 outstanding brand effect. Selected five series, convenience of our customers. Continuous innovation, flexible to adapt to changes in season six. Exquisite artistry, fully showed that the quality of the goods is beautiful, characteristics and the whole display what way? Series of goods on display showcase series method, namely through careful selection, induction and organization, certain related products according to the principle of serial display together. This can highlight the theme, through strewn at random have send, with the combinations of goods and for the customer the impression of a comprehensive system; Can also effectively stimulate customer extension of lenovo, inspire customers to form a complete set of choose and buy. Contrast display method contrast display method, namely in the formation of strong products on color, texture and style are put together, achieve priorities, foil the display effect of each other. The display contrast greatly strengthened the expressive force of commodity and appeal. Contrast type display using design composition, lighting, decoration, such as props, props, storefront, stands contrast between the display of goods, in order to achieve outstanding new products, unique product, and the purpose of promotional products. Display method of object display method, that is, highlight the function and characteristics of a product, or use of the advertisement, props, and means of landscape, the interest of customers and favor. Object type display specific goals, outstanding theme, influence; Can clear presentation and marketing objectives, and strengthen the communication with customers. Scene display scene display method, namely the use of goods, decorations, background and lighting, constitute a certain scene, for customers to build a strong life breath. Scene image, the layout vividly illustrates the purpose and characteristics of display, make both customers immersive feeling, but also inspired and enjoy the beauty. General scenario display for example on the holiday, you can create a festive atmosphere for the customer. Repetitive display method of goods display, the same commodity display, decoration and so on the main body, can be repeated and suggests means, strengthen customer for goods or the visual perception of the brand. Customers love to repeatedly visual impact, will be to promote this impressive, you'll never forget. Display method of hierarchical display method, the different regions of the same goods or the same brand of different products according to certain classification method is put in turn. Display hierarchy classification clear, bright, primary and secondary can attract different types of customers, convenience of our customers choose and buy, easy to create a warm atmosphere. In display, should pay attention to highlight the price tag, brand introduction illustrative marks. Supplement goods display method of the display method, namely put some relatively important commodity in the tail of important commodities. This method can make full use of display space, and make customers feel very full display environment. For those who are not important, the relatively low profits often use this method to display goods. If position properly can also display some important goods, can give a person the sense with standout.
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