High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Ap mini supermarket, food convenience store market share

by:Hshelf     2020-12-16
Cheap club was established at the beginning of the 'shopping cart' as brand recognition, convey its for people's livelihood retail channel, selling all kinds of daily living goods. Due to the location choice between flexible will deeply alleyway, after several years of deep tillage management, positioning in the supermarket industry back on its feet at par, in 2014 for 'sparrow' as a new brand identity, the current channel number by the end of January 2016 a total of 460. The inexpensive clubs and in conjunction with all pathways for super market, earn price difference through selling goods as the main source of profit, grasps the cost leadership strategy, alliance with manufacturers to develop its own products in order to reduce the cost of goods, and will feedback the price to consumers, at the same time introduce the foreign exclusive import, promote consumption gelling degrees. At the same time the shop open to increase network points, grabbed the city, the dominant strategy for instructions. 2. Distinguish between consumer market's agriculture region is different from general retail channel, the inexpensive avoids the boulevard and popular business circle, mainly residential apartment on the first floor for instruction in the location in the district, the lock only - 100 120 square meters of small and medium-sized stores, on the one hand, can save a large rental costs, can avoid the conflict of the distribution in the convenience store at the same time, because of its small scale of single store a super market trade, so looking for extension point location is also relatively easy, so you can quickly show store, reaches a certain economic scale. For commodity inventory control is also different from peers, the inexpensive club selection will inventory is placed on the top shelf, similar to the store's layout minimize each commodity inventories, in addition to save inventory space, also do not need additional replenishment manpower. Echo of the single and the development trend of nuclear family, the store also provides bulk egg and bulk meters, to provide consumers more convenient shopping choices, make urban spinosa seed in the shop. In addition, by releasing refrigerator, shelf space, provided to the suppliers to put advertisements, also bring the inexpensive club extra income. 【 Provide bulk and bulk rice, egg will consumer convenience shopping choice 】
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