High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Common cosmetics store shelves put skills

by:Hshelf     2020-10-02
Common cosmetics store shelves display technique, the shelves below small make up a simple share points: firstly, in display on the attention to the use of the store space, in-store display shelves to customers with goods full of beautiful things in eyes of impression; Second, the middle position can choose cosmetics island shelves, shelves to properly grasp the passage between the distance, let customers can naturally move inside the store around; More than three, in the shop use Settings window, make pedestrians from outside can clearly see the in-store customers choose trial cosmetics shopping scene, build the window effect, attract the attention of people passing by; Four, in the retail environment to pay much attention to the store goods, accessories, such as colour collocation, through the promotion, and the use of rich color, effectively and create an atmosphere of stores, extending the customer in-store residence time; Five, the goods in the store layout, at the door as far as possible along the street with seasonal goods, selling goods, specials, affix the eye-catching posters, color with promotional shelf can show the advantage, in order to attract customers.
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