
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Community pharmacy store decoration, shelf layout design

by:Hshelf     2020-10-30
The advantage of the community pharmacy? As people increasingly attention to health, high street stores, a pharmacy industry competition is increasingly fierce. Compared to compete in the busy streets and chain pharmacies, setting up a community pharmacy, to a certain extent, to avoid direct competition with the pressure, is a good choice! Community pharmacy, as the name implies, and the difference between large pharmacies, pharmacy chains in the word 'community', it not only embodies in this type of site selection of pharmacy should choose where residents gathered, more want to highlight the 'people-oriented' characteristics of medical services. Design community pharmacy area generally is controlled in 100 square meters, how to reasonable layout, let its partition obviously, and the function is all ready? Viewed from the door of the pharmacy, the pharmacy whole fully clear, simple decorate color, give a person with a unified, neat feeling. Chinese traditional medicine area using fashion shelves fine medicine cabinet series, golden hue from the built-in LED tube light, make the medicine more show showily. Close to the door of the locale into diagnosis and treatment area, attracting community old man into the shop, interrogation, dispensing. Cashier area close to store, when customers into the store can be received in the first place. Pharmaceutical care, health is the community residents frequent type, placed in the window position, the risk of increasing the driving people into the store. Drug display is more suitable for use tonal unity full steel island pharmacy shelves, easy to maintain, clean, long to consumers store neat feeling. Longitudinal mode, put the natural lead customers eye backwards, to seek for opportunity to choose and buy by the area. The community residents common cold medicine, children's medicine marks on the side panel, AD card slot, bring convenient shopping experience be clear at a glance. Prescription drugs are need staff take, set prescription area in the drugstore on the location will not affect its sales. Prescription medicine cabinet lock, can reduce the loss in pharmacy blind area of medicine. Medical devices area: set up against the wall of the medical equipment cabinets, those who unite is tonal more professional, neat, do not take up too much of corridor space. Large medical equipment can also be easily receive, perfect display against the wall, to the corner, wall column leisure experience area, the line of sight to blind area set up for community residents, especially the elderly with better buy medicine experience. Solution features shelves of the community pharmacy case that highlights the 'people-oriented', focused on the characteristics, service consumers will focus on community women old children, so the increase is different from ordinary pharmacy leisure experience, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and clinical area. Believe that this scheme can give community pharmacy friends some reference! Metal products co. , LTD. , specializing in the production of drugstore shelves, cabinets, self-service shelving, medical equipment, wheelchair, and a series of ancillary equipment. Unified national customer service hotline:, welcome your consultation.
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