
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Convenience store shelf convenient layout-shelf manufacturer equipment

by:Hshelf     2021-03-10
In most shops, the layout of the store often adopts the form of front counter and back shelf (closet) and sample cabinet. Shelves (closets) are often placed along the wall. According to the different interior decorations of the store, the shelves (cabinet) or sample crutches are often designed in the form of wall cabinets or combined cabinets on the wall. This kind of shelf (cabinet) is more reasonable to be placed against the wall. This makes the shelf ( The cabinet) not only hides the blank of the wall, but also plays a role in beautifying the wall space of the store, saving the floor area of u200bu200bthe product and making full use of the space. The store adopts the front counter and the back shelf (goods ling). It’s often advisable to leave the counter away from the shelf (cabinet) or the sample cabinet with a length of about 50-80 cm. This space is also the business workplace. Generally speaking, the shelf counter and the product placement should correspond. When the customer chooses When the samples are in the counter, the salesperson can turn around and take them from the shelf (closet).
Hshelf Retail Solutions Co., Ltd. highlighted the need to foster a human openness to technological innovation.
For good quality custom store displays and a good variety of products to choose from, visit Hshelf Retail Solutions Co., Ltd. at Hshelf Shop Shelving.
We began investing in our workforce and negotiated deals with major suppliers and providers to lower the cost of equipment so the technicians could enhance the competitiveness of custom retail displays right away.
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