
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Convenience store shelves of choice for _ 【 Hshelf shelf 】

by:Hshelf     2020-06-21
Guangzhou Hshelf shelves manufacturers from store shelves today put skills, rational distribution of convenience store shelves, the characteristics of convenience store shelves, to explain the convenience store. 1. Convenience store shelves put skills usually convenience store shelves put according to the area size is divided into single permutation and the double arrangement, single permutation refers to put a row of single put a set of shelves; Double arrangement is put in the two groups, often urinate, shop area is not large, single permutation double-sided frame can be used with single frames against the wall, use a space do not appear drab, these is a conventional method, is also the practical pendulum method, large venues can double row single shelf against the wall. 2. Convenience store shelves the reasonable layout of the store shelves of reasonable layout, not only should according to the field, but also according to the whole beautiful and coordination, and the display will appear as a whole of form a complete set of coordination and beautiful, the layout shelves in addition to need regular shelves, appropriate to add small tools such as a small exhibition shelf is necessary. 3. Convenience store shelves the biggest characteristic of the characteristics of convenience store shelf is in addition to the required quality pass, also requires is easy to use, easy to install and disassemble the market at present most shelves are installed, of cutting sleeve type has been basically don't need the screw, it also saves a lot of installation and removal of trouble, like one of the reasons is a lot of stores. Above is guangzhou Hshelf shelves manufacturer for shops on store shelves of choice, if you also need to learn more about the knowledge of the convenience store shelves, pay attention to us, we continue to update every day. Relevant article recommended convenience store shelves | imports of food store shelves supermarket store shelves manufacturer how to choose? Doohickey of choose and buy of convenience store shelves
need huge investment, so it is important to shop with caution.
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