
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Cosmetics shelves and shelves of choose and buy is put problem analysis _ 【 Hshelf shelf 】

by:Hshelf     2020-07-02
Now people are inseparable from the cosmetics, so open a cosmetics brand shop also is right choice. Today' Hshelf shelf 】 About cosmetic shelves and shelves of choose and buy the place for everyone to do the analysis. How to choose and buy cosmetics shelves? Actually buy cosmetics and supermarket shelves, from shelf quality, shelves and shelves of the usability of performance to price ratio, specific look at us. The quality of the cosmetic shelf: 1, the material. Material is always absolutely shelves, the most important factor in the quality of the cast iron steel < < gangmu combination, detailed choose which kind of material is still need according to our own economic strength and what they sell, if some high-end cosmetics use steel wood or wood shelves, if the material of the general cosmetics use ordinary steel shelves. 2, the welding quality. Welding quality is more than a relationship whether beautiful appearance, more important is the relationship between the structure of security, so we choose the time of shelves to pay more attention to look at the welding position, welding quality on sight. 3, spray painting process. General cosmetics shelves for some higher requirements spray-paint technology, appearance can't have a significant flaw, or it will affect the grade of the cosmetics. Said the cosmetic shelf price: cosmetic shelf price, we also mentioned above is qualitative, and height, the general cosmetic shelf height requirement cannot be too high, can one meter five or so, not only high capital increase capability, but also consumers will take the goods. Cosmetics shelves of usability: shelves selection can't conformity, should according to their own actual situation to solve, is usually a girl to come to buy cosmetics, so choose color cosmetics shelves, cannot choose too old style, warm color attune is given priority to, tonal aspects of shelves to store whole decorate a style to unite. Shelves chosen, let's talk about cosmetic shelf placement problem. Cosmetics shelves put store sales, has a close relationship with careless. See below small make up to you to summarize the cosmetic shelf put tips: 1, the shop use Windows Settings, more make pedestrians from outside can clearly see the store customer trial cosmetics to choose shopping scene, build the window effect, attract pedestrians notice; 2, intermediate position can choose cosmetics island shelves, shelves the passage between the interval must grasp the, appropriate to make the customer can move naturally roamed the store; 3, positioning, also is the general cosmetics store put, once it is after the arrangement, the location of the cosmetics, the display surface is rarely changes, in addition to change configuration tables, there are few changes, this kind of decoration, called positioning on display, in theory, each a product has a fixed area. 4, tell the difference between in four directions, shelves, gold line in the upper, middle and lower segment. Arrangement according to the actual situation in different regions in cosmetics put title, others say it is someone else's opinions, their practice, and finally sums up the most suitable method. Above is the small make up for everybody introduction of cosmetics shelves and shelves of choose and buy is put subject analysis, I hope can help to friends a cosmetics shop. Relevant article recommended cosmetics shelves of goods on display and layout requirements shelves skills of choose and buy, cosmetics display shelves?
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