
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Guangzhou convenience store shelf sizes and how much is the channel of the distance between shelves _ 【 Hshelf shelf 】

by:Hshelf     2020-06-27
Guangzhou convenience store shelf size shall generally be 700 mm or 900 mm length, width, single - 320 1800 700 and 900, 450, double-sided single-sided, double-sided 1350 majority. The passage between the shelves - 800 Between 1200 mm, generally is a shopping cart width and 200 mm for the minimum distance, the higher the shelves the passage between the distance. 1. The convenience store in guangzhou guangzhou on mainstream double shelf size is: length 600 mm * 650 mm * 1200 long and 900 mm * 750 mm * 1350 mm wide, 1500mm) 2. Guangzhou convenience store single shelf size: 600 mm * 350 mm * 1800 mm wide; 900 mm * 400 mm * 2000 mm wide, 2200 mm) According to the width of the layer board can also distinguish between the size of the convenience store shelves, guangzhou will be as below: ( 1) Gm's convenience store shelf height size is mainly divided into three types: high is 1350 mm, 1500 mm, 1800 mm and 2200 mm of shenzhen convenience store shelf size; ( 2) According to the width of the layer board to distinguish between guangzhou convenience store shelves sizes that are: 900 mm and 600 mm of shenzhen convenience store shelf size; ( 3) According to the convenience store shelves attribute to distinguish between the size of the convenience store shelves are divided into two kinds, one kind is double the size of the shelves, as described above. Another is the size of the single shelf: guangzhou convenience stores the size of the single shelf minimum width of 320 mm from the start, the size of the height mainly from the 1500 mm, very suitable for each big convenience stores. Convenience store shelf size according to the actual convenience store venue size and height to decide, in order to adapt to the market, lowering the cost of convenience store shelves, we implement the standardization of conventional shelf sizes and colors. According to the specific requirements of the convenience store, we select several kinds of commonly used standard size, in different degree, reduce the production cost, help to open a convenience store you can reduce the pressure for a convenience store equipment funds. When choosing goods shelves, you will inevitably get stuck on the store area and the number of sets of shelves, conventional convenience store shelf size: 1, island shelf size: length 900 mm, 600 mm, 1200 mm, 1350 mm and 1500 mm in height and so on the most appropriate shenzhen convenience store shelf size! Island shelves double width is: 650 was, relying on a wall, snacks shelf: this part a few set of shelves will use hook hanging retail, height is 1800 mm, 2000 mm and 2200 mm 3 kinds. 3, display shelf, display: we have more new promotion and reveal frame, enrich your stores display, display shelf and display size differ a list here.
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