
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Sell high pretend bility fruit skills in where! _【 Hshelf shelf 】

by:Hshelf     2020-06-29
Also is selling fruit, some fruit store feels like small businesses, and some are like chains. So, sell high pretend bility fruit skills in where? And how to upgrade the knowledge value of fruit? Learning is in the fruit store decoration. 1. Store signs store advertising to attract attention, must be in the form of concise, novel style, harmonious color to highlight their brand image, otherwise, will be ignored by consumers. Door head is a face, face not good-looking other decoration are no use. 2. Design content, 1) Light box ( The road light boxes, store inside and outside light box) ( 2) Brand image wall, After checkout) ( 3) Store fixture advertising planning and design: the door wooden frame, window advertising, decoration, festival atmosphere cashier advertising, product price, hanging flags, banners and other brand) 3. The planning of the ceiling, 1) In the ceiling above hang some plastic green branches and leaves and false fruit, a fruit store of natural, green, healthy concept. ( 2) Light main highlight the natural color of fruit choice high brightness of the fluorescent lamp is better, there will be no color deviation problem. ( 3) Use brand advertising banners hanging flags, add atmosphere. Strengthen the brand. 4. Fruit and fruit storage unit ( 1) The waterproof performance is good. Some fresh fruit, need often water, if it is wooden shelf will rot. ( 2) Fruit easy bruising, filled with fruit shelves can not have edges and corners. ( 3) Costumes fruit edge can't too much to just under a layer of apple in highly advisable, level 1. Three layer X06 meter Angle of 25 degrees. ( 4) Use of natural decorative foil fruit fresh feeling. 5. Store planning according to the actual situation of the shop, in general the bigger the better, set at the entrance is put convenient shopping basket of consumer choose and buy 20. If the shop is small, also want to try to design the customer shopping stores, avoid customer glance at the door and went away. Store channel mainly divided into channels with vice. Action is induced in the main customers of the main line, which channel is refers to the customers in the store mobile tributaries. The following is to set up shop inside the channel should follow the principles of: ( 1) Wide enough; ( 2) Straight; ( 3) Flat; ( 4) Little corner; ( 5) Channel on the intensity of illumination than stores bright; ( 6) No obstacles. Engineering personnel in specific implementation process should pay attention to the above problem. 6. Metope planning of metope should be given priority to with pure and fresh and natural style, so the color should be given priority to with peak green and yellow bananas, recommended the store all metope should be replaced for the green wall brick or KT board, color is pure and fresh and natural, so more can cause the attention of consumers. In the house can be set up in the corner of green branches such as vines, increase the natural colour.
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