
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


【 Shelf. Convenience stores run by seven small details

by:Hshelf     2020-12-11
Convenience store business, there are seven is not easy to notice the smaller details, aeriform in increasing the store's sales profits, dear boss, see do you have? 01 parallel to the line of sight of goods high profits in general, the best sales items order placement is parallel to the line of sight with customers, waist and knee. Among them, the former is the best location, convenience store goods put can increase sales by seventy percent. So, convenience store should put higher profits or expiring in 1. 5 m to 1. Between the height of seven meters, convenient conveniently can take after you see. 02 want to sell things on the right side of the convenience store shopping channel is usually enough wide, straight and flat, little corner, this is as much as possible in order to extend the consumers in the convenience store 'stranded' time, avoid them from the shortcut to the cashier and exports. Convenience stores still can use the habit of people used to place with the right hand, will want to sell and high profit goods, on the shopping channel or the right side of the shelves, customers, will be aroused the desire to buy goods from some of you don't need. 03 meager profit but high turnover 'hold' entry in general, near to the local convenience store entrance, put the most is the meager profit but high turnover, buy the goods of high frequency, to lure you into the door, such as books, slippers, towels, etc. And valuable goods such as alcohol, tobacco, generally in the middle of the convenience store and after partial area. From the perspective of consumer psychology, shopping convenience, people always think in front of the general goods, inside there are better, so the more often the more you buy at the end. 04 price 'robbing Peter to pay Paul' convenience stores have a set of complex pricing strategies, such as using the psychology of 'halo effect', the price of food, groceries and other necessities lower, let customers to form the impression of the convenience store is cheaper, and unconsciously think that all things are cheap. Then, convenience stores and other items set a high price, compensate the loss. Brand products such as coke price transparency, generally, the price is very low, even cheaper than competitors, but not as famous brand towels, clothes, shoes, cups, etc. , can be priced too high. 05 big packaging is more expensive than small package many consumers have 'buy much less than buying material benefit' the inertia of thinking, it also become a convenience store sales 'psychological warfare'. So a lot of big goods packaging prices are more expensive than small package. This kind of situation mostly exists in the leisure food, such as soft drinks, potato chips, etc. And the weight of the goods, the price is often not an integer, such as the 480 grams, 458 grams, the consumer is not clear exactly what kind of cheaper at the moment. 06 use lamplight to 'color' attractive on a little convenience store, the meat counter installed above the pink light, can make fresh look more attractive. Because the lights of the ambiguous tend to make the food more delicate and charming, in general, meat commonly used red light, yellow light bread common types, seafood commonly used blue light. 07 checkout is a final shopping close exposed in front of the temptation of, the more the customer will afford the test. The survey found that by 'trapped' in a long checkout line, purchase a twenty-five percent higher risk of sweets, drinks on the shelf. Goods, on the edge of the counter is usually commodity or economical small snacks, and queuing to pay is often the most impatient, it will make the customer difficult to carry through the last line of shopping. Get to it, which one do you think the most practical? To try a wave of ~
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