
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Supermarket shelves counter size and price is probably how many? _【 Hshelf shelf 】

by:Hshelf     2020-07-05
Q: supermarket shelves counter size and price is probably how many? Answer: this question from guangzhou Hshelf shelves manufacturer to explain for everybody: supermarket shelves as the name suggests it is placed above the counter, cashier counter goods shelves or grid. Its size like the register size, average size: 1 meter 8 master size: 1800 * 600 * 850 ( mm) One meter eight pairs of size: 600 * 600 * 850 ( mm) One meter seven master size: 1700 * 580 * 800 ( mm) One meter seven vice table size: 600 * 600 * 800 ( mm) The price of the similar to the checkout counter, because of the different materials and technology, a set of price is in commonly 700 ~ 1000.
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Hshelf Retail Solutions Co., Ltd. believes that the shorter the path between consumer and product, the more likely businesses are to convert more sales.
Producing with varied technical skills, custom retail displays can be used in a wide range of applications as custom store displays.
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