
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Urban life of supermarket which one to use more appropriate?

by:Hshelf     2020-06-02
Introduction: someone where there is business opportunities, especially community this crowd, if a life supermarkets, was quite good. Many people saw this is, then got the plan to open a shop to do business. But to open a shop, in addition to the issues relating to location, registration, also faces problems from supermarket shelves procurement

someone where there is business opportunities, especially community this crowd, if a life supermarkets, was quite good. Many people saw this is, then got the plan to open a shop to do business. But to open a shop, in addition to the issues relating to location, registration, also faces the supermarket shelf purchase problem. Then open a community life should choose what kind of supermarket shelves? The supermarket shelves company to arrange some of the contents, also don't know, you can together to get to know it: 1, the city life how to choose the size of the supermarket shelves? Community life supermarkets are generally not very big, the area of 50 ~ 100 square for the mainstream, when choosing the size of the shelves, also need not buy too much too long, otherwise will only compress the store too much space, cause congestion. In terms of the height of their shelves, it's best to control in single shelf 1. 8 ~ 2. 2 meters, double-sided shelf control in 1. 5 ~ 1. 8 m or so, can effective use of floor space, and won't cause block line of sight to customers, take affect customers. Also in terms of length of shelves, a single set of shelves had better no more than 2 meters, or it will cause the channel number less, is not conducive to guide the customer consumption. 2, the city supermarket to buy what kind of material is better? Small make up to introduce before, supermarket shelves commonly used material have iron, steel and steel also these three, but the supermarket in urban areas, steel shelf is more suitable. Steel shelves design simple and easy, the bearing performance is good, not only service life is long, and cost performance is high. Relative iron general quality and steel shelves high prices, is the best. 3, buy supermarket shelves, city life is good and will do the wholesale? Buy shelf is wholesale or customized, is also a choice in front of each operator. Specific how to choose, or to the actual situation and personal needs. If you want to try to save costs, then choose wholesale, anyway the quality and appearance of the wholesale section shelves are no problem; If you want to pursue more personalized shopping environment, build brand image, and set up shop money ready to very enough, the choice also may be customized section shelves. The supermarket shelves are chosen, is to lay a foundation for future business. Above is the supermarket shelves supplier to arrange the life of the community in guangzhou purchase shelf related content, want to learn more shelves knowledge, or have any shelf wholesale order or demand, welcome to login, shelf website WWW. rundahj。 Com.
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