High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


What are the chain stationery store shelves structure style?

by:Hshelf     2020-09-26
Stationery store shelves generally divided into three types: from the structure of double sided shelves, single shelves, hook type shelf. The following three types are common in our life shelf styles: single shelf: usually relies on a wall display, single product placement of goods; Double shelf: it is used to store more in the middle of the area, by several double shelf and two end plane ( Single shelf) Can form a island shelves. Advantage is that can be displayed on the both sides of the space of product placement is larger, and occupies less space; Hook type shelf: special convenient display hanging put the product such as ink, and hook spacing, height and so on all can free activities to adjust. Generally according to store planning, different parts of the choice of different stationery store shelves design, diversification of differential display.
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