
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Import food stores goods display need to pay attention to the problem

by:Hshelf     2020-10-14
Shelves of goods on display is an important influence the whole store sales points, should pay attention to in the items on display. Import food stores goods display has the following points: (the main points of the need to pay attention to 1) The same brand vertical display. 'On light under heavy' try to keep one or less a specification product display. Avoid show loss of per unit area of many specifications overall visual impact. Stores operating more vertical display, operation beneficial to this requirement. Import food store display ( 2) Focus on display. More products category, is often sells weakening, classification, lose the whole publicity effect, should try to struggle for independence exhibit centralized display, prominent brand in terms of comprehensive strength. Import food store display ( 3) End frame display. How is given priority to with a single specification product display. Based on principles of customers towards when you select. Import food store display ( 4) Shelves in central level display. Looking down about 45 ° for central best display position. Best place to put main products for level. Special new tasks you can use this location. Import food store display ( 5) Full display. Products to maintain shelf displays full, can avoid competing goods at the time of this product key occupation display position. At the same time also to pay attention to the sales of first in first out principle, avoid unnecessary goods time is longer than the other products.
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