High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Open a shop in front of the supermarket tour store content!

by:Hshelf     2020-12-17
一、店长巡店的内容开店前的巡店内容1、各部门员工是否正常出勤2、员工的工装、仪表是否符合规定3、员工的早班工作是否都已安排好店长巡店商品1、生鲜商品是否补货完毕2、快讯商品补货陈列是否完毕3、堆头、端架的pop牌是否悬挂4、零星物品是否收回店长巡店清洁1、入口是否清洁2、地板、玻璃、收银台是否清洁3、通道是否清洁、畅顺4、厕所是否干净5、商品是否清洁完毕其他1、购物车是否就位2、购物袋是否就位3、开店前5分钟收银区是否准备完毕4、广播是否准备完毕关店后店长巡店内容1、是否有顾客滞留2、卖场音乐是否关闭3、店门是否关闭4、冷气、空调是否关闭5、购物车是否全部收回归位6、冷冻设备是否拉帘、上盖7、不必要的照明是否关掉8、卖场内是否有空栈板、垃圾等未处理店长巡店收银1、收银机是否关闭2、现金是否全部缴回3、当日营业现金是否完全锁入金库4、金库保险柜及门是否锁好店长巡店操作间1、水、电、煤气是否安全关闭2、生鲜的专用设备是否关闭3、操作间、设备、用具是否完全清洁完毕4、冷库的温度是否正常营业高峰期巡店内容1、商品是否有缺货2、商品的品质是否良好3、堆头、端架的陈列是否丰满,需不需要紧急补货4、卖场通道是否畅通无阻5、pop标价牌是否正确( Content, location, price) Personnel 1, stores whether employees at any time assignment 2, sales promotion personnel procedures as stipulated in the mall operation 3, employees do you have any other 1, in-store sale of illegal news radio 2, the customer in front of the cash register line is too long 3, trolley is timely recovery of 4, 5, the entrance traffic is normal audit in order 6, outside the traffic is normal special tour store content 1, about the safety of vault door lock, have different 2, vault of alarm system whether normal operation is safe, daily cash in the bank manager tour shop receiving area 1, delivery vehicles whether there is a traffic jam, how long the waiting time of discharge, whether temporary supplement need 2, whether priority fresh and express goods receiving 3, receiving area is obstructed, department stores and food whether separate heap manager tour store promotion area 1, pile head/end frame display full 2, pop price card do you have any loss, whether it is right 3, the display of the goods whether beautiful, attractive 4, pile head/end frame damaged product is processed in a timely manner, the odds have scattered in a timely manner to position the manager tour shop customer service area 1, return return amount, whether the need for personnel support, customer service employee attitude and specification 2 3 complaints, how to store tour 'list issued by the operations department, the application of tour shop with that specification is the store managers at all levels of daily patrol store time and daily work process. The store manager in accordance with the process execution and supervision must be on duty manager, department manager and supervisor did follow the content of the daily work process, the correct use of the form. Due to complicated operation work, repeatability, many daily affairs if not be, often neglected or forgotten, the instance of this form with reference to the domestic and foreign many large stores of practical experience and the successful manager to develop and become, is a set of practical very strong work process design. Properly using this tool, can effectively improve the work efficiency of management personnel at all levels, strengthen standardization level of operation, better stores daily operation of a high level. Store managers at all levels can remain in the mixed transaction management organization and effective. This form of stores management personnel at all levels must use and save the daily for three months. The manager, department manager is responsible for the subordinate selectiving examination table usage, as periodic evaluation is an important basis.
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