
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Supermarket shelves design tips

by:Hshelf     2020-05-17
Introduction: supermarket shelves design purpose is to make consumers in the limited time and space to get the most effective information. Therefore, supermarket shelves design is based on how to effectively improve the efficiency and quality of display activities. In addition to the design of the display environment itself, glasses display is an important part of the supermarket shelves design. Therefore, in addition to the basic rule of the general space design, show objects in view of visual

clothes, Buddha by gold; Supermarket shelves are always influence the customer's first impression is good or bad, a few seconds. As a result, the supermarket stores decorate is in supermarkets and stores display a very important part of it can affect the rate of customers into the store. The visual design of modern supermarket shelves, based on the design of the supermarket shelves introducing many planar and three-dimensional constitutes an act of the general principles and constitute of the color, and design practice in the supermarket has formed a relatively complete design principle and law of shelves. Supermarket shelves design purpose is to make consumers in the limited time and space to get the most effective information. Therefore, supermarket shelves design is based on how to effectively improve the efficiency and quality of display activities. In addition to the design of the display environment itself, glasses display is an important part of the supermarket shelves design. Therefore, in addition to the basic rule of the general space design, show objects in view of the visual and psychological process is the basic premise of supermarket shelves design, so the design of the supermarket shelves should give priority to with the customer, let customers see more comfortable and natural. Supermarket shelves to put then? 1, according to the merchandising right density control put the number of put shelves is important to note that the shelves number choose at random, not need to do judgment according to the density of the merchandising right, every square metre is best can reach 11 to 12 varieties of display, can appear too crowded, too little, can appear the lack of goods. 2, pay attention to the position of gold display shelves display shelves need to pay attention to the display shelves of gold position, usually the top usually display need to recommend products; The lower is the display sales cycle into recession commodity; The second floor, the third layer is the eyes see most easily, and get the location of the goods. 3, supermarket shelves to make the customer to leave enough distance between the distance between the passage shelves should ensure traffic unobstructed, boutique supermarket store does not usually too small, so will be calculated according to the volume of traffic, operating varieties and reasonable distance, general said main should be in 1. 6 to 4. 5 meters, between times channel also shall not be less than 1. 2 - 2 meters between. Shelf placement for sales plays a vital role, good layout design can help the shop from a certain extent, improve the overall turnover. Above is guangzhou shelves factory small make up for everybody finishing technique is put three supermarket shelves, quick apply it into actual business!
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