
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Supermarkets little secret, you know?

by:Hshelf     2020-12-04
With the improvement of people's living standard and life rhythm faster and faster, the supermarket has become an essential part of people's life, but if you have noticed that the supermarket shelves of goods put in fact lurks a dirty little secret. Supermarket shelves factory give everyone a 'decrypt action'. Of supermarket, the middle layer is the earliest production date, and put the production date of upper and lower layer relatively close, almost all the customers to shopping, eyes will focus on the shelves of in the middle of the above goods sold the fastest, a lot of customers from the middle of the shelf. Fresh milk is usually placed in the most inside. In every supermarket milk, yogurt, packaged cooked meat food shelves, such as the human eye, while in the past, the first to see, on the outside of goods, date of production is not up to date, almost all the rely on to put the production date in the past, that is to say, the more 'fresh'. How to put the goods, is a kind of marketing strategy, the supermarket put goods according to the different positions, to a great extent can promote sales. Usually, profits larger items, put on the right, because most people use the right hand, so always likes to get things right. Some less fresh food, usually also will put in this position. Believe that knowing the supermarket shelves after this rule, then pay more attention to go to the supermarket to buy things, will buy more fresh and high cost performance goods.
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