
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


What big supermarket supermarket shelves?

by:Hshelf     2020-11-16
Large supermarket need some kind of supermarket shelves? For supermarket shelves, you may see the comparison of many, will have basically, each big supermarket. But for the above problem - — Large supermarket need some kind of supermarket shelves, may everyone is not clear, especially for some people who want to do the supermarket industry. What, then, large supermarket supermarket shelves? First of all, you have to many large supermarkets sell a certain understanding. General supermarkets will be in multiple zones: retail goods, vegetables, fruit, clothing, home appliances. Usually retail area: mainly supermarket display of supermarket shelves, show some retail goods. Such as all kinds of snacks, bottled water, daily necessities, toiletries, etc. Exhibition shelves is mainly used for the Canton fair, Shanghai trade fair and other regional trading consultation with commodity exhibition, to the whole booth build, according to the product characteristics, exhibition stand design and matching products, coupled with creative LOGO sign, make the goods can be marked up front and in public, so as to increase the product publicity. Elegant appearance style, elegance, and have good decorative effect, can all-around demonstrated the characteristics of the product, use product display extraordinary charm. Show supermarket shelves can also be equipped with light box, also can choose fluorescent lamp, shoot the light, on both sides inside the glass layer can increase according to their own actual demand decreases, the glass layer are free to adjust height. Fruits and vegetables area: the main is some vegetables promotion of supermarket shelves, supermarket shelves. This kind of supermarket shelves are large, most is given priority to with rectangular plane display. Certainly there will be multi-level vegetables supermarket shelves; Mainly to prevent vegetables stacked, leading to vegetable crush. The clothes area: mainly supermarket hook. Maybe a lot of people don't know, actually this kind of hook is supermarket shelves in the supermarket. It is a set of combined together, by the back of supermarket shelves + net type hook hook; This kind of supermarket shelves mainly to hang some clothes to display. There must be a kind of is clothing supermarket shelves, is the kind of more than four pillars hold up the bar in sliding supermarket shelves. Home appliance area: appear inside of a heavyweight supermarket shelves in the supermarket. This kind of supermarket shelves to place show some heavy goods. Such as home appliances, luggage, books, and so on thought that supermarket shelves should also there is a supermarket shelf equipment: supermarket shopping cart, shopping carts, supermarket cashier, and so on. With supermarket shelves display, can efficient use of limited open space, decorate the goods in perfect orderly, make the customer be clear at a glance, the fastest product information sent to the customer, through the emotional display of goods, motivate and strengthen the determination to buy, is also a salesman to provide a high standard of services to customers to operate basic facilities. With supermarket shelves display, can effective moistureproof, dustproof, guard against theft, defending breakage, measures such as to improve the quality of goods and materials storage.
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