
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Indoor decoration and store shelves collocation principle

by:Hshelf     2020-10-28
Shelves manufacturers - Convenience store shelves - The pharmacy shelves - Store shelves price wholesale - mother and baby Metal products co. , LTD. , professional to undertake all kinds of shelves, customized with sales, telephone 0532 - 88587005, welcome to inquire! Store shelves decorate should size look line, from top to bottom, jagged and organized. If a side store shelves is less and the small, can miniascape of, small ornament and metope adornment to reach equilibrium effect. Big store shelves and low store shelves still should match each other decorate. Highly divergent units lack is rigorous and superabundant and change; Had risen and fall big store shelves combination, easy to form feel confusion. So, don't put the clothes closet, short ark, low store shelves next to the door, such as to avoid uneven feeling. The chest of drawers, pantry, horny ark and so on store shelves as transition store shelves, in order to get vivid and metrical vision effect. On store shelves overall appearance, requests each store shelves the main characteristics and technology of the disposition disagreement. As a set of store shelves, cannot have a plenty of square column, have a plenty of circular, can appear otherwise very discordant. At the same time, the details of each store shelves disposal request differences. On the paint colour, a paint store shelves of demand also differences. , on makings charge for the making of a greater emphasis on the divisive. Decorate after the completion of choosing store shelves, in addition to consider the collocation of store shelves and decoration effect, but also consider the location of store shelves. Ordinary habits are divided into three areas: the independent room quiet area far away from the window, the light weak match, also compare with small noise, place the water table, wardrobe, more suitable for; Bright zone near the window, the light is bright, suitable to read and write, in order to put desk, shelf had better; Action area to enter room corridor, except in the middle of the walk, can place pile head in the region, water machine, etc. Tip: if not all, change store shelves, need to pay attention to the new store shelves the collocation with the original store shelves. Early communication with the designer, the old store shelves designed ably at the mall in the appropriate space. Buy store shelves to decorate more reasonable common owner decorate a step was completed in decorate after beginning select store shelves, but neglect many store shelves need reservation period, the short 10 days, long range is 15 days. If special size, time will be longer. In addition, easy to store shelves procurement, after decorating store shelf arrangement produce fatigue, so so collocation can let a person regret in the future. If early booking good store shelves, can reduce the waiting time.
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