High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Why are there health products and daily necessities on the shelves of pharmacies?

by:Hshelf     2021-03-04
'Why are health products and daily necessities on the shelves of pharmacies again?' Recently, it was discovered that health products and daily necessities that had been 'disappeared' in major pharmacies in Shenzhen some time ago have been put on the shelves again in some pharmacies recently. In pharmacies such as Neptune Star, citizens can still use social security cards to buy daily necessities. A row of health care products was placed in an obvious place as soon as you entered the door. On the shelves at the checkout, various beverages and daily necessities of brands such as Wanglaoji, Red Bull, and Master Kong were placed on the shelves of pharmacies. How to choose a drugstore shelf? The most important thing for pharmacies is to reflect the characteristics of pharmaceutical retail. In the choice of pharmacy shelf ribbons and price strip shapes, they should be echoed with medicines to ensure sufficient light in pharmacies, so that customers can feel healthy, safe, and assured, and build a sense of trust! Drugstore shelves are various appliances such as cabinets, shelves, cabinets, boxes, etc., that display and place commodities to be sold in the pharmacy business hall. The layout of the shelves is the main content of the layout of the business hall. The passageway woven by the cargo structure determines the flow of customers. Whether vertical crossing, diagonal crossing, radial, free circulation or direct layout methods are used, they should A certain flexibility is reserved for the change of business content, so that the form of shelf arrangement can be adjusted as needed. Therefore, all kinds of shelves in modern comprehensive shopping malls adopt a combined form, and only some franchised stores adopt a small amount of fixed forms. Shen equipment, specializing in the production and sales of drugstore shelves | convenience store shelves | maternal and child store shelves, welcome to buy!
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