High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


How ready before moving library arrangement and planning of the warehouse the goods

by:Hshelf     2020-06-09
Is moved in front of the library a week this week, the focus is on the warehouse the goods arrange to move the library to make sufficient preparations, the work is relatively heavy, in the process of preparation, has the same storage place will have several kinds of goods and a small amount of a few pieces of goods have been placed in the store inside a big outside of the goods inside, increase the workload of preparation of work efficiency is reduced. For this kind of phenomena, analysis there are two possible reasons: 1. Need to do a lot of preparation work before move library, neat about the store on a material decreases. 2. The warehouse receiving situation not good communication is expected to cause information communication, to be put in storage material goods store an insufficient prophase planning. Good information communication is efficient work smoothly, the premise of receiving department should be large quantities of replenish onr's stock and warehouse booking information in a timely manner to convey the message to the relevant department or person to give their full time to prepare, do prepare, of course, when faced with to adept to establish an acknowledgement of receipt of the timely and effective information and to store information feedback mechanism of information is necessary. Old warehouses in the storage area of limit is also one of the factors of this phenomenon, believe warehouse relocation will give us a good operation platform for all kinds of problems will be readily solved.
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