
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


The pharmacy shelf manufacturers guide the pharmacy location essentials

by:Hshelf     2021-03-13
Most people would say: the most ideal place is convenient transportation, many residents nearby, and a hospital nearby. Yes, it is best to have a hospital nearby, because now the medicines in the hospital are more expensive than the pharmacies outside, and many people go to the pharmacy to buy the medicine after the prescription is prescribed in the hospital. It is also said that the site selection is not about the more prosperous the location, but the relatively 'desolate' location is also a good place for investment. The first choice is the urban junction, that is, there needs to be more floating population, and secondly, you can choose to be around larger residential areas, such as supermarkets and farmers markets nearby. Let's take a look at the location of chain pharmacies and the surrounding requirements. 1. Be cautious when choosing the location of chain pharmacies. Everyone knows that the core factor of retail enterprises in the value chain is location. The success of an operator depends on the choice of shop location. When choosing a chain store, the location of the store should be consistent with consumer conditions and regional factors. 1) After the location of the chain pharmacy is selected, a large sum of money will be invested in the development of the branch. That is a final word. The location of the chain pharmacy will be changed after opening, which is extremely costly. 2) The benefits of branch operations are affected by the local market conditions, and many other advantages cannot compensate for the impact of site selection errors on the company. 3) The choice of shop location must be forward-looking, assess the development prospects of the location, pay close attention to environmental changes, and pay special attention to what changes the development of urban construction will bring. For example, a pharmaceutical chain company has just opened a branch in a street in Dalian less than 4 months after it has received a notice that the street will be renovated. The loss of personnel, decoration and other expenses can be imagined. 2. The site conditions of chain drugstore branches are subject to different business formats. Different business formats have different site conditions. The site conditions of chain pharmacies are convenient, and they should be integrated with supermarkets, shopping malls and other formats, and they must be coordinated with each other to form complementarity and mutual use. It is conceivable that a chain drugstore on a street lined with hardware stores would be beneficial. 3. Pay attention to the changes in the overall environment and the potential of the location of chain pharmacies. Instead of choosing a pharmacy location that is currently favored by various businesses, it is better to choose a location that is not yet favored in the near future, which will change from cold to hot. This kind of shop location cost is low, and the potential commercial value is great. Therefore, we should pay special attention to what changes will be brought about by urban construction and government policies. 4. The location of chain pharmacies should pay attention to the location of the store. The orientation refers to the direction of the front entrance of the pharmacy, which is related to the local climate and is affected by factors such as wind direction, degree of sunshine, and sunshine time. In southern cities, west-facing pharmacies will be exposed to the sun. In summer, if there is no air conditioning, it will be too hot for customers to shop in the store. The installation of air conditioning will undoubtedly increase the cost, and the only way to set up arcades or shading outside the store Tarpaulin, improve the ventilation conditions in the store to reduce adverse effects. In northern cities, pharmacies facing northwest are more susceptible to cold winds, which is not conducive for customers to buy medicines in stores. These factors will have a great impact on drugstore operations. Pay attention to the location of pharmacies. 5. The location of the corner of the chain pharmacy site is more ideal. The corner refers to the intersection of two streets, that is, the 'golden corner' in the term 'golden corner and silver edge' ('silver edge' is Refers to street shops), can produce 'corner effect'. The advantage of the corner effect is: it can increase the display area of u200bu200bthe shop window, the crowds from two streets gather here, and there are more pedestrians patronizing; it can ease the crowded flow through more than two entrances. However, since the location of the pharmacy faces two streets, which side is the main entrance of the pharmacy becomes a very important question. The general approach is to choose the side with high traffic flow as the front entrance of the pharmacy, that is, the storefront; and the side with low traffic flow as the side entrance. 6. The location of chain pharmacies at Sancha Road is a good location. The pharmacy is located on the front of Sancha Road. The storefront is very conspicuous. It is also considered a very reasonable pharmacy location. However, pharmacies in this position should pay attention to their strengths as much as possible, and the decoration, name signs, advertising signs, display windows, etc. at the front entrance of the pharmacy should be carefully designed. Grasp the consumer psychology of customers and attract passing pedestrians to the pharmacy. 7. The location of chain pharmacies should be selected in the following situations. The ground and road in front of the store should be carefully selected, the store is on a slope, there are obstacles in front of the door (such as trees, overpasses, billboards, etc.), and it is beside the express lane. Or the store’s lights are dim, the location is low, etc., which should be carefully considered at this time.
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