
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


The principle of convenience store shelf display changes

by:Hshelf     2020-10-10
Goods on display are over time and season changes such as external, static display as a backwater. 'A rolling stone gathers no moss, pivot door emphasizes', merchandise display method is to constantly fumble and reproduction, the display of the same commodity between different stores also vary. Convenience store shelves display changes of the principle of goods on display shall comply with the following aspects: 1. Display of goods to conform to the whole image of the store and senses; 2. Display of goods to comply with the store promotion strategy; Principle 3 convenience store shelves display changes. Commodity display to adapt to the change of seasons; 4. Commodity display to convenient for customers to choose; 5. Goods on display to the beauty is generous, rich sense of art. The principle of convenience store shelf display changes
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