
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


The role of supermarket shelves and development

by:Hshelf     2020-11-26
Supermarket shelves is one of the important tools, and improve the efficiency of modern warehouse supermarket shelves industry also arises at the historic moment, therefore, share and market demand is higher and higher. As the economy developing, foreign companies flood into China's Yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta area, not only led to the development of local economy, and it also brings new management concept and management technology. With the continuous increase of enterprise scale, enterprise standardization, efficiency, the warehouse is referred to the agenda. Supermarket shelves to denote and shelves for storage. Supermarket shelves to hold into storage equipment items. Understand the supermarket shelves as an industry can date back to last century nineties. Germany and Hong Kong companies in the late eighty s and early ninety s focused on shanghai-nanjing line set up storage equipment company, the main production warehouse shelves, investors increasingly see the shelf industry development prospects in China. Then the Swiss company establish a shelf company in Shanghai, shelf production technology in domestic has been developed. Along with the local wooden shelves production technology gradually perfect, in order to save costs, more foreign companies chose to purchase local shelves, the shelves of our country industry produced accordingly. Shelves from ancient Chinese herbal medicine cupboard in the store, to modern used in all kinds of shops of all kinds of shelves, to the large-scale three-dimensional warehouse reinforced or more advanced material made of supermarket shelves, people are familiar.
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