
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Two kinds of layout of supermarket shelves

by:Hshelf     2020-10-17

there are many means sell the layout of the supermarket shelves, different ways of supermarket use different layout. The following two kinds of layout is most common: 1. Shelves of the lattice type layout, this is a traditional form of store layout. Refers to the supermarket shelves and customer shopping channel rectangularity way, and the main and vice channel width, all shelf arrangement is parallel or right-angle alignment. Its advantage is: can make full use of the supermarket stores space; Because is classification put, customers can easily tell if a product category and distribution characteristics of convenient shopping; Shelves can meet the requirements of the conventional specification, do not need to customize, save the cost; To simplify the goods management, and security work.

2。 Island type layout shelves decorate each are not connected to the form of islands, is placed in the middle of the island shelves and commodity. This kind of layout is more suitable for stores, mainly used for placing small commodities. Its advantage is: under the condition of the shopping channel is that use stores decorate more products; Put into a variety of different shapes of islands, decoration and beautification effect; A brand made islands form alone, more prominent brand.

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