
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


How to display more eye-catching the cashier?

by:Hshelf     2020-05-30
Introduction: traditional cash register in addition to realize single check-out service, and there is nothing special, so at the end of the end cashier functions as well as the customer's shopping behavior. So, how should the community supermarket checkout display to attract customers attention? Guangzhou shelves factory, small make up teach you a few action:

with the change of the shopping demand, the function of the community supermarket also began to diversify, community supermarket shelves in the register is a qualitative change accordingly. The cashier for the customers in the store consumption must stay place, so if we can spend more on the register Settings and design idea, will have the opportunity for the operator to bring the unexpected harvest. Traditional cash register in addition to realize single check-out service, and there is nothing special, so at the end of the end cashier functions as well as the customer's shopping behavior. So, how should the community supermarket checkout display to attract customers attention? Guangzhou shelves factory, small make up teach you a few action: a, how to select the checkout counter? 1. To determine the entire store cashier area and position and size, select the appropriate cash register. 2. Generally speaking, in stores at the exit of the counter, this is the last place the customer noticed, this key position may bring the final sales profit. Second, how to display the counter? Community supermarket checkouts like supermarket shelves, all need to have a good display design, to have the greatest appeal to customers. Consider the following: 1. The register of the display is not more expensive, and is easy to overlook the commodities, are likely to be found, novelty goods, cause impulse goods, etc. 2. Pay attention to the checkout counter displays clean and tidy, personality. Can put a few on several low layer board gum or small snacks such as to cause the attention of the children. 3. If the space is enough, behind the counter can also configure the microwave oven, coffee machine, display of alcohol, tobacco, small supermarket shelves, etc. 4. Display of goods to be in a while, let the customer produce novelty. Many operators on store display design, often only considered how supermarket shelves display, but ignore the counter display and put, this mode of operation is lacking, attention, shelves, small make up to share with you more supermarket convenience stores management knowledge. Above is guangzhou shelves factory small make up to introduce the method of the counter display a few quick apply these in real business together! , shelves, the shelves of major convenience store and store shelves, pharmacy shelves display equipment manufacturers, such as affordable and fashion styles, welcome to inquire order: 18680291293 cao ling
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