
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Fresh convenience store shelf displays and display what are the principles

by:Hshelf     2020-09-19
Fresh convenience store is a special category in the convenience store, it is a fruit and vegetable is given priority to, on the display and ordinary stores are quite different in the following fashion shelves to introduce fresh convenience stores display a few basic principles. 1, the classification of the fruits and vegetables and ordinary this convenience store is the same, the fresh convenience store classification is usually: categories - In the class - Segment, segment to each item according to the fruit and vegetable category. 2, artificial quality due to the short shelf life of raw commodities, and so on display, must follow the principle of quality inspection. Fruits and vegetables goods on the shelf, before must personnel quality inspection, to prevent rot fruit on the shelves, so that the store's goods are very fresh. 3, display plump fresh supermarket, at the time of goods on display, try to keep all the shelves filled with fruits and vegetables, the more goods, the customer can choose the broader, more easy to sell. 4, avoid the loss of fresh supermarkets, goods loss is inevitable, so when the display, it shall, according to the characteristics of the goods to put, avoid the loss caused by the errors is put, for example, a bunch of peach, if put too high, the bottom will be crushed. 5, seasonal promotions, although now have shed fruits and vegetables, but the fruits and vegetables is the most popular in the quarter, so you need to store according to the season for sales promotion. Will be in the best goods are put together, convenience of our customers choose and buy. 6, colour collocation and commodities are often colorful, if only by category, may be because too many colors, and appear desultorily. When the display, at the same time, we can put in the category to proper collocation, such as red and yellow collocation, yellow and purple collocation, etc. 7, fifo, this is the basic principle of goods on display. Fresh goods, due to the special short shelf life, more should strictly carry out 'first-in first-out' principle, to keep the freshness of goods, and appropriately to depreciate sales promotion the expiring of goods! 8 clean hygiene, clean health convenience stores are the basic principles of shops selling. Even so is the fresh convenience stores, fruits, vegetables, class after the loss of goods is easy to deteriorate, if not handled in time, can produce peculiar smell, the more will attract a variety of biological, to destroy without loss of the goods. So fresh convenience stores must be regular cleaning, keep the store clean and tidy. The 8 o 'clock, it is of the fundamental principles of fresh convenience stores display shelves for you finishing, do these foundation, to create a good shopping environment for customers. This is the basis of the store management for a long time, hope can help to you!
Hshelf Retail Solutions Co., Ltd. as one who also teaches operations about how we use our whole operating system as a way to gain advantage and create considerable value and capture value in a sector where, in essence, the environment is quite hostile from a competitive point of view.
Exceed our customers’ expectations by being the leading provider of safe, responsive, value-added services in the custom retail displays industry.
Hshelf Retail Solutions Co., Ltd. knew if this worked for us, it would work for others, so we took the exclusive product and program and re-developed it to be more accessible to customers.
In the boundless Chinese market, there are a number of enterprises that provides custom store displays custom retail displays of their own brand over the years, but few have won more support from customers on the international stage than Hshelf.
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