
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


How should the jewelry store shelf display to make customers stay longer

by:Hshelf     2021-03-14
u003cpu003e   Exhibition is a comprehensive art, a collection of advertising, artistry, ideology, authenticity, and display, and is a commercial fashion art that consumers can most directly feel.   No one necessarily needs jewelry, but people buy it because they need an emotional experience. Therefore, jewelry stores must emphasize added value, such as using artistic displays to stimulate people's feelings and stimulate people's desire to buy. u003c/pu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003e  The regular display allows customers to get an easy and convenient purchase process, while the color matching, lighting and creative thinking make shopping a pleasure. This not only conveys the commercial appeal of the brand to loyal or potential customers, but also creates a beautiful space for people's lives. The principle of display makes the small world in the window become romantic and beautiful; makes the goods in the store counter look like a gorgeous still life painting; makes the color in the store like a rainbow on the clear sky after rain, beautiful and harmonious, so In a store with artistic beauty, who can restrain the pace and desire to buy? From the overall consideration of the display, generally speaking, the display includes display by color, display by style, display by series, display by promotion, display by style, etc. These must be determined according to the area of u200bu200bthe store and the main product style. In short, There is only one overall purpose of the display with concise form and rich connotation: to display the brand's culture and promote sales.  Use focus to form attractionu003c/pu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003e   On the display surface of each jewelry display cabinet, the point of view that can first attract people’s attention is the focus. For example, the focal point in the entire store is our main image sign. The focus is usually located on the eye level or above the eye level. Posters with strong color contrast or product combinations are often set as the focus. It can be displayed in an orderly manner to guide consumers' attention, and it can be echoed and reminded. Visual effect.   Therefore, in the terminal image of the jewelry brand, the focus is to shape the image signs and brand light boxes. This kind of intuitive display and promotion can convey the brand's product information, promote sales, and promote the brand culture. u003c/pu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003e   Rendering atmosphere with color   The use of color plays a leading role in the display. An orderly color theme will give the whole store a bright sense of the theme, organized visual effects and strong impact. In the display, color contrast is often used as the focus, or the color gradient effect of the product display is created, so that customers have the urge to shop. , Coordination and layering, and easily target products. Create visual effectsu003c/pu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003e  Repetition effect can create visual interest, highlight continuous and whole area effects, pay attention to unity and contrast, and efficiently use space to form a strong visual impact. This principle is suitable for focus Display of products or new products.   should pay particular attention to the multiple repetitive effects in actual operation. For example, the same jewellery adopts different sample display methods, model neck display, front hanging and matching methods are used at the same time, so as to highlight the key points of the display and maximize its own image.   Only perfect display and layout can make customers stop and stay, have you done it? u003c/pu003e
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