
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


How to display goods in a convenience store to attract customers' attention-convenience store shelf manufacturer

by:Hshelf     2021-03-13
The merchandise display of the convenience store can be understood as: the store owner puts the merchandise in the best position of the convenience store shelf according to customer preferences, seasonal changes, changes in holidays, changes in the surrounding environment, and changes in shopping crowds. Potentially increase sales opportunities and improve the sales performance of convenience stores. The layout and display of an attractive convenience store product will significantly improve the image of the convenience store. The user-friendly display will make your customers feel convenient and comfortable to shop, thereby increasing the number of customer visits and prolonging their stay in the convenience store. time. Once a well-known convenience store did a survey on the importance of customers to product display, the results showed that 70% of customers said that the product display attracted them to shop; 22% of customers said that the product display is important but not absolute Care; only 8% of customers said the merchandise display is irrelevant. Generally, it takes no more than 3 minutes for customers to enter the store to go out. How to use this effective 3 minutes to make customers have a stronger desire to buy? Good product display is a very effective method, it can make your products move, more colorful, to attract more customers to stay and pay attention, then how to display the products? (1) Pay attention to the factors considered for display. Use customer decision trees to optimize the display of product structure. Tip: The purchase decision tree is the orderly arrangement of the customer’s thinking process in the process of purchasing the product. When purchasing the product, first look at what parameters of the product, then look at what, and so on, and finally look at the parameters of the product, call it Decision tree for the purchase. Case: The decision tree for customers when buying beverages is as follows: first determine the product type, whether they need to buy carbonated drinks or juice drinks; then the specifications of the beverage, whether they need to buy 150ml or 300ml; next is The brand of the drink is unified or Nongfu Spring; the last is the taste of the drink, which is apple flavor or orange flavor. (2) Use simple display methods 1. Easy to see features: Allow customers to clearly understand the brand, product name and other corresponding content of the product. Key points: face outwards and be consistent. Suitable for groups: all kinds of customers. 2. Convenient access features: easy access for all kinds of customers. Key points: According to the age structure, the shelf space, the larger volume (weight) products should be displayed on the lower shelf, and the smaller products should be displayed on the upper shelf; children's products should be displayed in the lower position (about 1 meter similar to the height of children) the height of). Suitable for groups: all kinds of customers. 3. Related product display features: convenient for customers to buy and save time. When buying products, you don’t need to look for related products anymore, you can buy them together. Key points: Exploring the correlation between products according to the purpose and purpose of use, forming large and small related areas, such as placing sugar cubes next to coffee, condiments and grain and oil products. Suitable for groups: impulsive shopping customers. 4. Vertical display features: make it clear for customers to buy goods at a glance, and enhance the three-dimensional sense of the goods display. Key points: Products with the same attributes and shapes are displayed from top to bottom. Suitable for groups: all kinds of customers. 5. Reasonable planning space features: Let customers feel that the merchandise display is full and stimulate customers to buy. Key points: The display of goods should make full use of the shelf space, and adjust the height of the laminate appropriately according to the height of the goods. Suitable for groups: impulsive shopping customers. 6. Classified display is displayed in accordance with the category of the product. 7. In order to attract the flow of people, create a store atmosphere, and stimulate customers to purchase large-scale centralized merchandise displays in Duitou display stores, pallet stacking, ground cage storage or platform stacking are usually adopted to display merchandise. One stacker can usually only display uniformly. Prices of goods. That is, the 'promotion area(3) Precautions for food display★ Bread display (1) The display of bread should comply with the principle of first-in first-out; (2) The label should correspond to the position of the product, so that customers can directly judge the price; (3) The main best-selling product can use POP brand For highlighting, you can also add a display surface. ★Principles of ice cream display (1) Display the most expensive ice cream on both sides of the refrigerator; (2) Separate appropriately according to the shape of the ice cream (tubes, cups, bars); (3) The height of the ice cream display is level with the upper end of the basket, not exceeding the basket surface. (4) Merchandise display should be adjusted at any time. Merchandise display is not fixed. With the change of business strategy, the adjustment of product type, the change of customer level, the change of seasons, the difference of customer groups in different time periods and other situations Change, merchandise display must be adjusted appropriately. In short, the merchandise display should be adjusted randomly according to changes in sales. Case: A convenience store, after careful market research, found that 80% of the people who came to this convenience store were female customers, and most of the male customers came with female customers. Among these female customers, most of those who came during the day were housewives, and those who came after 5:30 in the afternoon were mostly employees who had just left work.
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