
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


The franchise and operation of maternal and child stores requires a good plan

by:Hshelf     2021-03-15
u003cpu003e  The situation in the maternal and infant industry is very good. It can be said that the franchise of maternal and child stores is hot for a while, and mass entrepreneurs have also seen business opportunities from it. The liberalization of the national two-child policy, coupled with the continuous improvement of the living conditions of the people, the market demand for mothers and babies is huge. According to the big data statistics of National Network, the big cake of China's maternal and child market will reach 3 trillion by 2020, which will be divided into three parts: maternal and child e-commerce, overseas purchases, and maternal and child stores. The maternal and child stores include offline experience. Baby nurses, confinements, children’s playgrounds, and other value-added services in maternal and child stores in the service; maternal and child e-commerce has developed rapidly, but with frequent negative news, the upward momentum has weakened in the past two years; overseas products have taken the Internet express train for the past two years develop rapidly. Generally speaking, most of the market is still developing offline, and the future development direction may shift to O2O. However, the development of mother-to-child O2O is much slower than that of Didi Special Vehicles. It seems that O2O still has a long way to go. go. u003c/pu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003e   Conclusion: The development of the maternal and infant industry in the next ten years will still depend on the physical stores of maternal and child. All is ready except for the opportunity. Opening a maternity store is undoubtedly the most suitable project for entrepreneurship at the moment, and most entrepreneurs take a wait-and-see attitude towards the maternal and child physical store industry, because the maternal and child industry has extremely high requirements for various services and products, so it is The selection requirements for infant joining are quite strict. So you need to be extra cautious about opening a maternity store.   Conclusion: Be cautious when joining a maternity store. Avoid risks and take a long-term view. u003c/pu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eThe operation of    maternal and child store is different from ordinary clothing store or convenience store. The customers of the maternity store are generally the parents of young children. For them as parents, their psychology is full of hope and love. It is not difficult for everyone to find that it is very comfortable when visiting the maternity and baby store. The design inside is very warm and comfortable, making parents and customers willing to stay for a while and choose more baby items. For all the children's supplies, the most attention is paid to quality. Therefore, the decoration design of the store, this one, it can be said that if it is not done well, it will definitely affect the sales!u003c/pu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003e   From the perspective of parents, consider the decoration design of the mother and baby store. The store color is mainly warm. Mainly, such as beige, purple, pink or light green, pink, light yellow and other bright colors, this choice is mainly to set off the warm atmosphere of the maternal and child supplies store. u003c/pu003e
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