
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


The use of the supermarket shelves

by:Hshelf     2020-10-16
Supermarket shelves under the river supermarket shelves to share the use of the use of our supermarket shelves of time has always been paid attention to only pay attention to the quality of beautiful, also very few people will mention how decoration, supermarket shelves how to layout is beautiful, in order to be good. Decoration and supermarket shelves, below is how we look at the decoration shelf we should consider the factors: first, to determine the style of the shelf itself, especially the height and width. The height of the supermarket shelves generally should be according to the specific situation, based on human activities need to conceive and design in detail, the supermarket shelves height corresponds to a human body height, to facilitate customer shopping. After the height of the supermarket shelves set, can choose according to the actual circumstances of the space and the mode of transportation to determine the length of the supermarket shelves. Can also be using golden section law, namely the length and width according to the 1-0. 618 the proportion of composition, cause a kind of rational beauty. Supermarket shelves plane emissions is also crucial, there are many means to choose from, including queue, islands and radiant, and so on. Through the different height, different layout, decoration to determine what the hell is going on supermarket shelves, it is very important. And we can also according to our preferences to determine.
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