
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Listen to me, to buy fruit and vegetable shelf will choose this one _ 【 Hshelf shelf 】

by:Hshelf     2020-06-17
Choose fruit and vegetable shelf, there are three minefield must avoid, it is not strong, the second is taste great, three is the old style. Unstable fruit and vegetable shelf looks very cheap, and there will be potential safety hazard; Taste of fruit and vegetable shelf will hide the aroma of fresh fruits and vegetables, it's easy to let the customer to stop; Style of the old shelves lack of novelty, can let the fruit and vegetable accidentally lost the brilliance. Figure 1 - effect of fruit and vegetable shelf display 1 the three shelves very influence of fruits and vegetables show effect, often can let sell at a discount greatly sales. Figure 1 - effect of fruit and vegetable shelf display 2 want to retain the original DNA fruit and vegetable, promote fruit and vegetable fresh, so don't miss this kind of fruit and vegetable shelf, can help you avoid the three minefields oh well ~ for maximum freshness of fruits and vegetables, LePin choose Micronesia fiberboard, such as pine surface decoration plate and ecological quality material as raw materials, production of high-grade, delicate fruit and vegetable shelf, and no paint process design is adopted to dispense with extra flavor, leaving only fruit aroma and flavor of the original.
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