
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Fruit shelves display the point

by:Hshelf     2020-10-28
Fruit shelves display main point in the same street, is a greengrocer, some good business, some of the business is bad, that in addition to differences in the levels of management, and fruit shelves display factors in it. Good fruit display can highlight the characteristics of fruit, enhance the attraction of the fruit, stimulate the purchase desire, so as to improve sales. Manufacturing is a fruit store shelves display three essentials: 1, this is promotion area, the main forms are exhibited in the promotion of customer can see display surface are T, high above the mesa height and fruit for 40 - at least 45厘米; 2, prevent waste empty the line of sight of people in the eye to the chest that range is most sensitive, the area must make full use of the goods, not empty waste, this is a gold display area; The importance of 3, soft, near the location of the channel should display yellow, orange, orange fruit, it is easier to attract eyes and abortion. Above is made summary fruit shelves display of three essentials, more display questions can focus on manufacturing shelf's official website: WWW. jiachnexin。 com。
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