High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


The classification of the supermarket shelves

by:Hshelf     2020-10-22

there are many categories of supermarket shelves, according to use classification words have the following; A, a large shopping plaza with supermarket shelves. In suitable for use in large shopping plaza cargo planes are segmentation in many models: shijiazhuang supermarket shelves of model 1. Crown type shelf 2 forever. Copystar racking 3. The back-shelf big 4. Shanghai racking 5. Warehouse supermarket shelves 6. Center back shelf 7. Eight big back net type rack. Cleaning of 9 electrical shelves and so on more than several shelves are commonly used are based on to distinguish the different styles and their craft. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

products is specialized in the production including the supermarket shelves, storage shelves, store display shelves, trolleys, shouyin, shelf, supermarket and other commercial equipment.

Hshelf Retail Solutions Co., Ltd. specializes in undertaking corporate offers to cater the needs of different companies.
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