
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


The pharmacy shelf reminds you-how pharmacies handle the relationship between high gross profit and brand-name drugs

by:Hshelf     2021-03-12
Any businessman has the goal of maximizing profits. This is true for dealers and enterprises. Dealers revolve around the enterprise because of their interests, and enterprises also revolve around the dealers because of their interests. This kind of interest maintains the close relationship between the enterprise and the dealers. For dealer bosses and employees, interest is also the link to maintain a harmonious situation. The boss's pursuit of high-margin products is that high-margin products are more profitable and can bring high income to the boss. As for employees, the various uncertainties of high-margin products are the crux of employees who do not want to sell high-margin products. This kind of contradiction has led to the ineffectiveness of the upward movement and the disagreement between the boss and the employees on the high-margin products.   How to balance the relationship between brand-name drugs and high-margin drugs   1. The definition of brand-name drugs and their opinions on brand-name drugs   I personally think that brand-name drugs have at least five indicators:    excellent quality and efficacy indicators. Although both Chinese patent medicine and western medicine are produced by so-called GMP manufacturers in China, quality differentiation does exist, and sometimes it is quite large. It is self-defeating to think that they are all produced by GMP manufacturers with consistent quality.   The second is the sales volume: brand products are best-selling varieties, and the sales volume must be large enough, which is the so-called market share. The manufacturer's sales return is less than 100 million yuan, so I don't think we can talk about the brand.   The third is a wide range of terminal arrival rates and distribution rates. For retail drugs: the so-called terminal arrival rate means that the second, third, and fourth terminals can basically be covered in place. In other words, all types of terminals can basically be covered, and this coverage is natural circulation through channels; The distribution rate means that in the same type of terminal, the distribution rate reaches more than 60%-70%, especially the second terminal distribution rate is higher.   Fourth: There must be high consumer awareness, reputation and loyalty. Some leaders of Neptune said that their PB trademark 'Qianlong' is very well-known in online surveys. The Internet crowd cannot represent a wide range of consumer groups, but only a small part. Moreover, there is a single channel, and there is no such thing as a famous brand or private brand It is not necessarily and unnecessary to be a famous brand.    Fifth: It is necessary to have high medical channels and terminal popularity and reputation of pharmacies. Channel and terminal sales are profit-oriented, and loyalty is not mentioned, but at least popularity and reputation are needed. Brands are irreplaceable, and brands are invincible. Of course, brand-name drugs cannot be replaced in pharmacies. Because the brand is a symbol of quality and quality, but also a guarantee of consumer interests. Many companies, especially brand companies, have an internal control quality standard that is higher than the GMP standard, so the quality of their products is irreplaceable. Brand-name drugs have three main functions in pharmacies. One is to represent the flow of customers and consumers, and the other is to enhance the brand of the pharmacy; the manufacturer’s ability to educate and train shop assistants and store managers is unmatched by non-brand products.  Second, how should brand drugs be subdivided     Under the background of the new medical reform, it is necessary to establish a brand as soon as possible to stand out in the OTC market. The competition for OTC products is ultimately brand competition. So how should brand drugs be subdivided? I personally think that they can be subdivided according to the following subdivisions: 1. Chinese patent medicines and chemical drugs well-known brands 2. Regional brands and national brands: my country's regional brands, especially Chinese The regional brands of over-the-counter medicines are very obvious: such as Pien Tze Huang and Liushen pills.   3. Disease types and brands: Some chain pharmacies subdivide drugs into more than 100 types, so that there are at least 100 brands. If there are 3 brands for a disease type, there are more than 300.   4. Consumer brands and channel and terminal brands are different. Due to the passive nature of drug consumption, channels and terminals are willing to recommend that channels and terminal members need to recognize you and know your brand.   5. White-collar brands and TV popular brands: Print networks can create white-collar brands, but consumer brands are shaped by big media such as CCTV.   6. Domestic and imported brand-name drugs. 3. Thinking about how pharmacies measure brand-name drugs. At present, the number of first-line essential products in many pharmacies, namely brand-name drugs, is between 400-500, which is roughly the number of best-selling brand-name drugs in China (including prescription brand-name drugs) . As a chain pharmacy, you can use your own information system to classify whether it is a branded drug according to the following four indicators:    The first indicator is the order of mobile sales rate, which is the data that the chain pharmacy can analyze in a unified manner. Products with faster turnover must be brand-name drugs. Their gross profit may not be high, but due to faster turnover, the total gross profit contribution is not low. The second indicator is the statistics of natural sales, which can also be counted by chain pharmacies. Naturally, products with large sales volume must be brand-name drugs. It cannot be judged by sales in accordance with administrative instructions.   The third indicator is the named purchase rate of consumers reported by shop assistants. This data can only be obtained after a period of record analysis and statistics. Most branded products are purchased by name.   Advertising visibility: Generally speaking, Chinese consumers are advertising-oriented. Products that often appear on TV are generally regarded by consumers as branded products.   It is recommended that chain pharmacies must be fully equipped with brand-name drugs. A variety of real attractors.  
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