
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


Fresh supermarket shelves, how can the service good?

by:Hshelf     2020-10-29
Fresh live seafood usually use white tray or printed board to display. On display around the aquatic products and some crushed ice, to ensure its quality and freshness. Down when putting the whole fish fish head took, fish maw, crushed ice cover part should not be longer than body 1/2, not uniform, but want to order, give a person a fish in the micro sense, in order to highlight the freshness of the fish. Supermarket shelves'> fresh supermarket shelves in the modern logistics activity, plays a very important role, the role of fresh shelf has the following several aspects: 1. Fresh shelf is a kind of frame structure, can make full use of warehouse space, improve storage capacity utilization, expand the warehouse storage capacity. 2. Deposited in fresh the goods shelves, small material losses, can complete the function of the material itself, to reduce the loss of the goods. 3. Guarantee the quality of goods storage, can take moistureproof, dustproof, guard against theft, defending breakage, measures such as to improve the quality of goods and materials storage. 4. The structure and function of the storage of fresh new shelves is advantageous to the realization of mechanization and automation of warehouse management. 5. Access to convenient, easy to count and measure, can do first in first out, can book store where things, easy to manage. Above is the role of fresh shelves. If you have need, welcome to call contact us, we will give you the best quality service!
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