
High-End Retail Shelving Solutions


The supermarket hidden rules

by:Hshelf     2020-11-17
Nowadays, the supermarket has become an indispensable part of life, but you know the supermarket shelves unwritten rules? Recently, an Internet postings on supermarket shelves hidden rules heat transfer on the network platform, these rules, the supermarket has? A hidden rules: food fresh have successively posts mentioned, supermarkets have 'fresh food on the pendulum' display method. This caught the consumer habits on the front or the top food habits. Freezer area has the principle of 'good sink'. On December 4 in the morning, the reporter came to a supermarket chain linquan road. 21 days in dairy freezer, the reporter saw shelf life of some brand yoghurt in the first row on November 22, is a production, shelf life has passed nearly half, behind is placed on December 2. Other food put also follow this rule. At a supermarket in the north part of the frozen food section, it was 'good goods sink', the reporter sees some brand of smoke im big shrimp on the top of the production date is on October 5, and in the bottom is November 23. Is a must for the supermarket put dairy staff told reporters, supermarkets, food, do follow the principle of 'fresh food is placed behind'. Rule 2: light there is pay attention to in the northern part of a supermarket, vegetables, fruits, meat, gravy, reporter saw a light area above all. More than 9 points, hit the vegetables at the top of the white light, reflected in the green price, make the vegetable looks fresh crisp. In meat products, is also white, but the price is mainly for big red, reddish light on the meat, look more fresh. In lurou area, the reporter sees supermarket replaced the lights with soft light yellow, pot stewed chicken, braised pork looks very attractive. But in the supermarket on the road of cooperatives and ma on shan road within a large supermarket, most of them are incandescent lamp lamplight, there is not a big difference. Rule 3: items put a mystery net post also mentioned that cheap goods will be on the bottom and the top, and more expensive goods will be in the middle, it is the use of the parallel to the line of sight of people to choose. Generally, the larger profits place on the right side of the item, because most people use the right hand. For this rule, the reporter visited several supermarkets, found that are not obvious. At zhanxi road a supermarket area of the instant noodles, reporters see different brands of instant noodles, the price is different, in parallel to the line of sight of five even package of instant noodles is 12. 5 yuan, and put in more than the price on the bottom of the there are lower than this price. Cookies area has a similar situation. But in a large supermarket in the qingxi road, reporter discovery, the same kind of sausage, cheap on the top of the shelf, but the price you in to the area of the parallel to the line of sight. Consumers to 'supermarket shelves hidden rules' have different evaluation in the northern part of a large supermarket, a reporter interview a few consumers are shopping, most people say they don't know 'supermarket shelves hidden rules'. Is the choose and buy yogurt miss Sue said, 'I think this is blameless, and I didn't buy a product date. 'And a middle-aged woman is picking vegetables with miss Sue hold different views,' behind the supermarket put fresh food, is not easy for customers to choose. 'The reporter tried to contact the relevant person in charge of large supermarket of hefei explain these' rules ', but the contact more than a dozen supermarket, always no one is willing to 'decryption'. 1 fresh food on the pendulum, freezers conclusion: 'good sink' was established. Conclusion 2 light food in a more attractive: does not apply to most of the supermarket. 3 cheap things the following conclusion: not common.
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